As it turned out, Nereo had taken a few photos during a rowing event in the Veneto that included the boat.
Here you see the boat moored along with other traditional Venetian boats.
Flags add to the festive feel.
Anyone who likes Venetian boats half as much as I do should enjoy the above photo.
The boat is owned by a club known as Leobisso da Mojan. Nereo contacted them and reported back:
"This evening I got an answer from the Leobisso guys. The boat is called "batelota" or "batela buranella". She was built by Maestro Mario Busato in Mogliano Veneto near Treviso in 1987 (or so).
She's 12.50 meters long and can be rowed by up to ten oarsmen."
Bravo Nereo! Thanks for the info.
Next time I'm out there, we should see if we can grab two spots on that boat with the Leobisso guys.