o Staying power
o Patience
o Survival
o Stamina
o Fortitude
o Continued existence
Most popular Boat Racing Categories:
o Offshore
o Open cockpit
o Closed cockpit
o Formula 1
o Fresh water lake
o Kayak
o Ski boat endurance
Driving an F1 powerboat is like piloting a fighter jet. Take a seat inside the fully enclosed safety capsule of a F1 powerboat and go at full throttle; if it were not for being on the water you would think that you were in a fighter jet over Iraq.
The propellers of these water crafts are specially designed. They are secrets of the trade and one of the many parts of the powerboat that design plays in winning. This is referred to as a 'black art' of the sport. Water is one of the hardest materials to include in any form of technical analysis, thanks to the way the water is changing as the propeller is pushing the boat across the surface at one-hundred-miles-per-hour. This multifaceted surface is why the propeller design is kept secret.
Choosing the right propeller; teams can often bring six propeller designs to a race, and will make their final choice as the boat is being put into the water, keeping its design secret from the competition.
Fresh water Lake power boat racing; like the Memorial, 300 Mile Endurance Race from Crazy Beach at Crazy Horse Campground in Lake Havasu, Arizona. The event will once again be sanctioned by the American Power Boat Association (APBA), and it is expected that a very large number of teams will enter to try and break the APBA Endurance Record of 5 Hours 13 Minutes to cover the 300 miles set at last year's event. These type endurance boat races are held all over the world.
Kayak events in Port Lincoln's Water Warriors became registered members of Dragon Boat South Australia with a paddling group of eighteen. Also the 10th Australian Masters' Games took place on the River Torrens in Adelaide in October, 2005. They trained fighting elements such as hail, rain, and sunshine to race against the clock testing their endurance.
A final endurance boat racing is ski boat racing in which a team of skiers compete in a relay type race. These skiers compete in a barefoot skiing completion to prove their team is the most dominant and consistent. They compete on lakes plus rivers, in smooth and rough water.
Each boat contains a team of four to six barefoot-skiers plus a judge. The race proceeds relay-style with team members taking turns bare footing at speeds of 40-55 miles per hour. When one goes down, he is replaced. The competition lasts for a distance of twenty to forty miles. The purpose of the race is to test the endurance of the team for the length of the itinerary.